Wrongful Death: 2-Year-Old Fatal Falling Object Injury
2-year-old suffers fatal falling object injury
When a New York business does not make its premises safe for visitors and customers, and someone is injured or killed, the business and property owners could be liable for a variety of claims in civil court. However, compensation can’t undo an accident. The family of a 2-year-old boy is trying to come to grips with the child’s death after a statue of a dolphin fell on him.
The fatal accident occurred in another state on Friday, June 6. The tragic story becomes even more sorrowful after learning that the boy’s 6-year-old sister tried to stop the metal statue from falling onto her brother.
Apparently, police had already warned the art gallery that had the statue on the sidewalk to keep the sidewalk clear. In fact, according to a spokesman for the police department, the art gallery had been told last year to keep the same statue off the sidewalk and inside.
There didn’t appear to be anything seriously wrong with the little boy at first other than a bloody nose. However, the child had suffered internal injuries and only lived for four short hours after the accident.
A citation was issued to the owners of the art gallery, although it was not specified what the possible consequences could be for the citation.
When someone loses a loved one due to a falling object or other safety hazard in a business, a wrongful death lawsuit may be filed. The lawsuit could seek compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering and final expenses. An Accident Attorney can provide more information about a family’s legal options when such a tragedy occurs.
Source: NY Daily News, “2-year-old crushed to death by falling dolphin statue in San Francisco” Meg Wagner, Jun. 10, 2014