Safety Tips for Using Elevators: Reduce Risk of Injury
A few tips for using an elevator safely
Accidents on elevators can be devastating when the cables and system that keeps them operational fail. While elevators are considered a very safe way to get to where you need to go, you must take steps to stay safe on elevators. In some cases, following these tips might not be enough to keep you safe. When an accident on an elevator occurs, you may decide that you need to hold liable parties accountable by filing a claim for compensation.
One tip that helps you to remain safe is never to try to force your way onto an elevator. If the elevator doors are closing, wait for the next elevator car to arrive. There is a chance that you could be crushed by the doors if you try to force your way into them.
Elevators have capacity limits. If you try to get onto the car and find that it is full, you should wait for the next one. If there are people getting off of the elevator, wait for them to get off and the assess the situation again. You can push and hold the “door open” button while you do this. If you can’t reach it, have someone else press it for you.
If you are stuck in an elevator, make sure that you don’t panic. Elevators have enough air in them, even if it begins to feel warm inside. When you find yourself stranded in an elevator car, use the alarm button or your phone to summon help. Don’t try to climb out of the elevator if it is between floors. There is a chance that the elevator could start again and harm you. If the elevator is close to a floor landing and you can easily step out, do so quickly, but not if you have to climb out.
Source: National Elevator Industry, Inc., “Elevator Safety,” accessed July 13, 2016