Elevators & Escalators: Very Hazardous to Children
Elevators and escalators hold extra danger for children
Elevators and escalators are an incredible modern convenience, but they can also be harmful or even deadly, especially to children. Children often do not have a healthy concept of the dangers inherent in these enormous, powerful machines, and are more vulnerable than adults to being harmed by one through misuse or because it is malfunctioning.
Escalators are most dangerous to all users in the opportunity that they present for serious falls. More than escalator-related 10,000 injuries regularly occur in a given year, and most of them are the result of falling while using an escalator. Children can be especially prone to this kind of injury if they are not taught to ride escalators safely, standing in the middle of the track, facing forward, and holding a parent’s hand if possible, and always to make sure that their shoelaces are tied so that they do not become caught inside. Children often think of escalators as being like a ride at an amusement park, but this is not a safe way to think of them, and they must be taught to use them safely.
Elevators can also be particularly dangerous for children. Injuries involving elevators most commonly occur when a body part becomes trapped between closing doors. Children may be tempted to keep doors from closing by sticking their hands, arms, or legs between the closing doors — this can be incredibly unsafe. It is important to teach children to avoid this behavior for their safety. Much more serious injury can occur if a child goes near elevator doors that have opened while no elevator car is there to step into. This can easily lead to falling into the open elevator shaft, which can mean very serious injury and possible death.
Being a parent to a young child can be exhausting, and there are so many dangers to look out for, but it is important to make sure that your children understand and respect the dangers that are innate in using large, complex machinery such as elevators and escalators. Still, even for careful people, accidents can happen. If you or someone you love have been harmed or killed by such an accident, the guidance of an experienced Accident Attorney can help ensure that your rights remain protected as you explore options for compensation in New York.
Source: Verywell.com, “Elevator and Escalator Hazards,” Vincent Iannelli, accessed Sep. 30, 2016