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Premises Liability & Defamation: NY Resident Sues for Monkey Bite

Woman sues for premises liability, other claims after monkey bite

When you visit a tourist attraction, you do so believing that the premises are safe. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Our New York readers may be interested in this premises liability lawsuit occurring in another state.

On June 17, 2012, a woman was visiting a tourist attraction that consisted of several entertainment choices, as well as lodging. Part of the attraction is a rain forest exhibit. According to the lawsuit, the woman was scratched and bitten by two cotton-top tamarin monkeys.

The lawsuit states that the “plaintiff did nothing to provoke the attack and has suffered and continues to suffer significant physical and emotional pain and suffering…” However, the animal husbandry manager of the attraction says that the woman likely tried to grab one of the monkeys, getting too close. An alleged witness told police that he or she saw the woman grab for the monkey. The animal husbandry manager made statements to this effect in an interview with a local television station.

The woman is seeking punitive damages for negligent handling of an animal, premises liability and defamation. She also wants reimbursement for her medical expenses, which she states have amounted to about $20,000.

Premises liability cases can hold a negligent property owner, manager or others responsible for injuries that occur while on the property. Accidents might include slip-and-falls, escalator and elevator accidents or animal bites. As an injured party, you have a right to seek compensation through civil court. It’s important to know your rights, and an experienced New York premises liability attorney can provide advice and guidance in such matters.

Source: Courthouse News, “Woman Sues Theme Park for Monkey Bites” Cameron Langford, Jun. 18, 2014

Daniella Levi & Associates P.C.

This article was reviewed and approved by Daniella Levi, Esq. Ms. Levi is an experienced and aggressive personal injury attorney. In practice for over 35 years, she has dedicated her legal career to helping injured persons receive the compensation they deserve. Clients of Ms. Levi have received compensation worth tens of millions of dollars through tireless efforts with settlement negotiations and successful trial verdicts. Read full bio

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