Banana Peel Challenge: Slip-and-Fall Accident Attorneys
Banana Peel Challenge illustrates dangers of slip-and-fall accidents
It’s meant to be a joke. A new craze taking over the Internet involves teens testing out just how slippery a banana peel can be. The answer: pretty darn slippery. Law school students throughout the country can agree with this sentiment as almost every student learns about slip-and-fall cases through the study of a classic case involving a banana peel and an unsuspecting patron at a train station. Unfortunately, the banana peel incident in this case does not end in laughter – and if teens aren’t careful with this new craze the currently popular #bananapeelchallenge could become a not so fun #traumaticbraininjury.
What makes a slip-and-fall accident dangerous?
These accidents are dangerous as they generally involve unsuspecting individuals. This unsuspecting person steps on something that is supposed to be safe and secure, but is not. As a result, balance is lost and the person takes a fall, potentially suffering from serious injuries. This can happen on a slick spot within a retail store, on stairs that do not have proper treading or when someone steps on a slippery object…like a banana peel.
Who is responsible for these accidents?
In the case of #bananapeelchallenge the responsible party is generally a teenager that just doesn’t know any better. However, this challenge does provide an opportunity to discuss actual slip-and-fall cases, which are no laughing matter. In these instances, property owners may be liable for the accident.
Property owners, including store owners, retailers and other business owners, are required to provide their patrons with a safe environment. If this is not done and a guest is injured, that customer may have the right to hold the property owner responsible for the accident through a personal injury suit. This could lead to compensation to help cover the costs associated with the accident.